Claire Mills has been confirmed as Conservative candidate for Llanyre Ward in the upcoming Powys County Council elections. Claire has vast experience, both as a teacher and as the Duke of Edinburgh Development Officer for Powys County Council. Claire has the full backing of the Brecon and Radnorshire Conservative Assosiation and we will endeavour to help her get elected on May 4th
Claire Mills said:
"I have made the exciting decision to stand for Llanyre and Newbridge on Wye ward in the upcoming PCC elections on May 4th.
As a local resident, living within the ward, I believe I have a lot to offer our local community. I am a farmer's wife, mother, former teacher and former member of staff who worked for PCC for over 13 years. I believe that I have a good understanding of the issues that affect people at a local level within Llanyre and Newbridge on Wye.
I have the enthusiasm and ability to bring fresh ideas to PCC. If elected I believe we should mordernise services at PCC and prioritise funding for front line services.
I will be out over the next few months, knocking on as many doors as possible consulting with the community about ways in which we can improve our County.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to raise any local issues about our community".
You can find Claire on her Facebook page:…